AGM Update and Award Nominations

The AGM was held at Balmoral bowling Club on Sunday, 20 February, 2022. The meeting started at 3.30pm.

The following reports were tabled for 2021. The Presidents Report, the audited Financial Report (disclosing a loss of $7,683 for year ended 30 September 2021), and the Coaching and Development Report. 

The following Committee members were elected to office:

President - Vacant
Vice President Hockey – Miten Patel                 
Vice President Cricket – Alpesh Patel                 
Secretary – Vinod B Patel                                  
Asst Secretary – Priya Kanji                               
Treasurer – Vinod Patel                                                 
Club Captain (Hockey) – Deelan Patel                
Club Captain (Cricket) – Dilip Parbhu                 

Strategic Positions
Coaching & Development – Preetesh Parsotam
Marketing & Promotions Director – Priya Dahya  
Participation & Membership Services Director – Priya Kanji 
Communication’s Director – Manoj Patel           
Finance Director – Vacant                                 

Elected without Portfolio:
Sanjay Soma (Junior Coordinator)
Nilesh Patel
Sanjai Patel
Raj Pancha
Prashant Patel
Keshan Narsai 
Krishan Patel     

The following members did not seek re-election:
Dipak Chhima, Satya Patel, Vinod Narsai and Suren Ranchod.

There were two resolutions passed at the AGM. The first was an update to two paragraphs in the Constitution to comply with the requirements for the Charitable status. The second was a request from Finance that we allow an investment with fund manager for up to $40,000. 

The Awards committee presented 5 members that should be nominated for Life Membership. All 5 were approved. The names will be circulated to the membership at a later date.

There was discussion on commemorating 50 years in AHA Premiership and also check on how long Women’s hockey had been going in the Club. Need to address shortage of players in Prem Reserves. Focus on whether we can progress Junior Cricket and mention was made on quorum sizes for AGM’s. 

AISC Awards Nomination form. Download here.


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