#MeetTheTeam: Fun Sticks: Kika & KC Patel

This year, we are starting a #MeetTheTeam series. Every month we’ll introduce you to a couple of our teams that take the turf every 2021 Winter weekend to battle it out for the win. This month are the Fun Stick Juniors.

Fun Sticks Advanced: Team Kika
By: Ashwina Parbhu

Team Kika

Team Kika is made up of the following players: Alisha Govind, Brina Patel, Diyan Parbhu, Jasmine Pol, Jivaan Parbhu, Krisha Patel, Sajel Lala, Sanya Patel, Shaantae Dahya, Vihaan Patel and Vivaan Patel.

The team is coached by Ashwina Parbhu (parent and former AISC player) and managed by Sunita Dahya (parent and former AISC player.)

This is the second year of hockey for this team and it is amazing to see the improvement in their skills from last year. Results have been mixed with more games lost and drawn than won but Team Kika is all about having FUN while learning to play hockey so winning is just a bonus!

A big thank you to Vijay Patel and Nilesh Patel (coaches of the Fun Sticks Beginner team) who have been taking trainings for us each week.

Thank you also to all the parents of the team for supporting the kids and giving them the opportunity to play hockey!

Fun Sticks Beginners: Team KC Patel
By Meeta Patel

Team KC Patel

Team KC Patel is made up of Ariella, Rayaan, Kiash, Raghav, Ellsa, Nella, Jared, James, Dhevan and Kira. For most of the team it has been their first year playing hockey and all of the kids have made such amazing improvements over the course of the season. The Team has been coached by Nilesh Patel and Vijay Patel who both play for the clubs Division 1 Men’s team. They have been assisted by Roshan Parag and the team is managed by parent Meeta Patel. It has been a fun season seeing the kids learn new skills, enjoy playing with each other and form new friendships. They have enjoyed some good wins and learned how to deal with losses all while having smiles on their faces and continuously improving their skills. Finally, thank you to all the parents for their support and help along the way this season! We hope you have enjoyed watching the kids play!


#MeetTheTeam: D6: Keshaw & Kanji


Prizegiving Update