Remembering Arvind Kesry

In early 1951, Arvind Kesry arrived in New Zealand at the age of 15. He travelled on the P&O liner Stratnaver from Bombay to Sydney and then continued to Auckland by seaplane, landing at Mechanics Bay.

After working in Wellington, Wanganui, Matamata, Rotorua, and Papakura, Arvind settled in Auckland in 1958. He always had a keen interest in sports, although he found it difficult to play because of work commitments. Still, he supported sports teams on weekends or for special matches. He has been actively involved with the AISC since 1952. Despite working in Papakura, Arvind travelled to Auckland every Saturday to play hockey or cricket. He also attended club meetings under the chairmanship of Morari Soma, with Jekisen Bhagwanji as the secretary. Arvind assisted by collecting membership fees along with Magan Bhikka Jivan.

Arvind took a more active part in club matters after 1960 by becoming involved in the Club Committee. In 1972, he helped form a 4th Grade Hockey Team and was a player in the original “Professionals” team. Forming this team was crucial, as it was one of the requirements for the 2nd Division Team to enter the Senior competition.

Arvind assisted in organizing the Golden Oldies Hockey Tournament held in Auckland in 1990. This event took a lot of planning and organizing. His special talent for catering was always welcomed. The event was a big success and very profitable. With the assistance and backing of people like Arvind, the club built a strong financial position.

Arvind represented the club at the Executive Committee level and was a delegate of the club at the AGM meetings of the NZISA. Because of his long service and dedicated support, he was awarded a Life Membership.

He sadly passed away this week at the age of 90.


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