75th Jubilee Publication
Our AISC ‘75th Jubilee’ Book is finally in the publication process. After years of hard work and dedication, we will soon be able to read about our association’s rich history and journey.
Read Nuggin Lala’s update on the book below.
“To all past and present members
My most happy moment is to inform you all that we have finally concluded and have sent off the draft copy to the publishers for their layout/editing expertise, so hoping we will see a draft actual book copy within 3 months for us to check over. It does give me great satisfaction to have this historical account completed.
This has taken a great deal of time; over ten years to get this to this stage; it is a credit to Jayanti Keshaw Vinod B Patel for their time and input over this time, especially with their work commitments, also to Deepak Lala for always chasing funding which he went to extra lengths to achieve the required funding was a huge undertaking. My efforts have been rewarded in pushing along with this huge task over the years, reminding people to ask for their input, etc. this was a very slow process as the responses were not regular. However my thanks to all those who responded and to those who gave unconditionally those who believed in my requests and who could see the vision of this yet-to-be-published work. I am certain that everyone will have great satisfaction in reading and seeing all the collection of photos that have been gathered over the years.
The following is the list of all the names who have contributed to the success of the completion of this historical work my immense heartfelt thanks
We would like to especially say thank you, to the Sponsors and Donors, for helping make this book become a reality.