#MeetTheTeam: D11: Daji & Kesry

This year, we are starting a #MeetTheTeam series. Every month we’ll introduce you to a couple of our teams that take the turf every 2021 Winter weekend to battle it out for the win. This month are the D11 Juniors.

D11: Team Daji
By Aariya Rama

Our team is made up of Sasha, Anesh, Henry, Jayden, Nikhil G, Aariya, Allegra, Leela, Maiah Pip, Zahrena, Dhruv, Nikhil D, Patrick, Remy and Sam. As a team, we set a goal to come top of our grade. We were on track, with two games left but then the lockdown hit. Even though we didn't complete the season, and we were all really gutted, we have been catching up through Zoom and having some fun competitive games! Some highlights this season were going through the whole season unbeaten apart from one game, and the girls beating the boys during our weekly training games! We were coached by Sanjay Rama and managed by Gabrielle Hamilton. We also had help from Sanjay Soma and Rick Patel with coaching throughout the season, and thanks also, to Deepak Lala for umpiring some games.


D11: Team Kesry
By Mala Patel

Team Kesry is a fun, enthusiastic and energetic group of 11 and 12 year old kids. This is our team:

Kailash Soma
Sanah Raniga
Shreya Patel
Luke Dzedins
Jaynish Patel
Kailesh Chhima
Tristram Pearson
Zeta Pancha
Caleb Valabh
Rosalie Slaat
Ashaani Nathoo
Ishaan Greenwood
Dhruvi Patel

Coached by Sajay Chhima, the players are enjoying themselves, making friends, playing good hockey, and improving in leaps and bounds. This is all down to Sajay's motivation, and gentle and nurturing coaching approach.

Mala Patel is the team manager. At every game, Mala and the team supporters make lots of noise on the sidelines to cheer the kids on.

Team Kesry is doing incredibly well this season considering the wide range of skills and experience in the team. We have kids playing their first season right through to others who have been playing for years. Our games have been competitive and exciting with a mix of wins, draws and losses.

On being asked how they're enjoying playing in Team Kesry, our newest team member said, "I'm LOVING it!"


Junior and Youth Season Results


#MeetTheTeam: D8: Pancha, Sima & Lala