#MeetTheTeam: D8: Pancha, Sima & Lala

This year, we are starting a #MeetTheTeam series. Every month we’ll introduce you to a couple of our teams that take the turf every 2021 Winter weekend to battle it out for the win. This month are the D8 Juniors.

D8: Team Pancha
By Priya Dahya

Team Pancha

Team Pancha is made up of the following players: Eesha, Teajyl, Zahra, Viva, Avani and Aayush.

The team is coached by D3W player, Priya Dahya and managed by former AISC player and parent Anita Valabh.

Despite not having as much of a successful season as we would have liked to, it has been a pleasure to see our team develop their skills and learn to gel as a team.

We would like to give a shout out to Team Lala and Team Sima who have very kindly helped our team by lending us some of their players when we are short. We’d also like to thank Sachin and Diyashna from D6 who have stepped up to the plate to help us out when needed. We have also been very fortunate to have Roshni Soma, former player and parent, help coach and regularly umpire our games.

D8: Team Sima
By Priya Kanji

Team Sima is made of 8 amazing players, Anika, Ashwin, Ben, Delisha, Dhriti, Kyren, Rudra and Zarna. Coached by Anisha Patel and Priya Kanji. 

We have had had the opportunity to watch these amazing players grow so much throughout the season. They have developed their skills and learnt the importance of working together as a team. This season, we have been quite successful and have gone away with a few wins and the occasional loss.

We would like to say a massive thank you to Sangita Patel who is our team manager and does all the work behind the scenes to make our jobs easier. Also, to Tim Hamilton and Sanjay Rama for helping support us with trainings and on game days. We really appreciate all your help and hard work.

D8: Team Lala
By: Deepak Rama

Team Lala includes the following players: Shray, Navia, Shyam, Kavan, Siara, Jayden & Ishan, coached by Deepak Rama and managed by Bhavna Morar. The year was somewhat of a challenge, with most of the team having moved from D6 (quarter field) to D8’s (half field). The kids had to contend with a much larger field. They didn’t win a lot of games, but they fought hard, against much bigger players & exhibiting a strong sense of resilience. They are a very skill-full team, that just needs to learn how to summon their “inner mongrel”. Thanks to Santosh for refereeing the games and Daksha & Saatyesh for taking trainings when I couldn’t. Thanks to all the parents for bringing the kids to the games & trainings each week & supporting the team. Lastly, I’m so proud of you kids & look forward to seeing you next season.


#MeetTheTeam: D11: Daji & Kesry


#MeetTheTeam: D6: Keshaw & Kanji